Concepts Showcase
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March 13, 2020
Designed by
Bastian Schmülling
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Freakiest. Friday. Ever.

We live in strange times.

With the NHL and every other sports league indefinitely shut down to help slow the spread of a global pandemic, we’re all understandably a bit freaked out. So how can I possibly provide a Freak Out Friday concept freakier than what’s already going on in the world? Ah, but wait.

Being told to steer clear of large gatherings might make us feel a little like our own neighbors are radioactive. That is certainly not the case, but it does offer a reason to share a particular jersey design that’s been sitting in my email for about seven years.

Bastian Schmülling submitted this in 2013 as part of a series of zany ideas for hockey sweaters. On this Friday the 13th, I can find no better concept to share.

The world will be back to normal in time. Probably before we know it. But for now, stay safe, stay healthy, and stay away from crowds. The best way we can fight this thing is by keeping our distance from each other. Happy Friday!

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