Concepts Showcase
September 3, 2021
Designed by
Johnny Woods
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Motor City Retro Freak Out

Every once in a while Johnny Woods surprises us with one of his clever logo designs. For this Freak Out Friday he’s giving the untouchable Detroit Red Wings a complete overhaul while creating a bit of alternate history. He writes:

Back in 1975, the New York Giants came out with their “Disco Giants” logo that lasted one season. Soon after, the New York Rangers came out with a modern jersey with their shield logo and vertical sleeve stripe that lasted two seasons.
Here is a concept the Red Wings [might have] tried in the same era. The minimalist logo features a D, R and W in lower case outlined in chrome/silver. To emphasize the jersey having red wings (sleeves), a chrome version is created. And, just like the Giants and Rangers, the Red Wings would drop these in a few years for a more traditional version.
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