Concepts Showcase
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December 18, 2022
Designed by
Aaron Burden
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Cawlidge Cawncept: Beavers

I’m launching a new series today inspired by John Buccigross and his love of Cawlidge Hawkey. In our first Cawlidge Cawncept, Aaron Burden tackles Oregon State University with this great set for the Beavers. He writes:

I knew from the start that I was going to transfer the football team’s look over to the hockey team. It is so unique and does a great job of making the accent colors pop. [For the crest,] I was torn between Oregon State’s primary Beaver logo and this script that is criminally underused, but ultimately opted for the one that felt more “college hockey.” The Beaver also seemed to disappear on the orange base. The script that’s used has been around since 2013, and is used mostly by the baseball team, who is the most relevant example of athletic success on their campus.
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